Hope everyone is enjoying the new set up of comics. I'm enjoying doing it as a SUNDAY FUNNIES. I'm celebrating 40 years of HERMAN THE PSYCHOTIC CHICKEN in April. I created that character in 1984. Woo! BY YA BAAAHHH!!!
QUICK APPLIANCE REPAIR (BOOKS) (MERCH)MISSISSIPPI SWAMP DRAGONS (BOOKS) (MERCH)DAWN OF TIME (BOOKS) (MERCH)CAPN' GEEZER (BOOKS) (MERCH)GOING BATTY (BOOKS) (MERCH)SPACE REDNECKS (BOOKS) (MERCH)I'm gonna be doing the comics page like this for a while. Classic comics with the newer stuff at the bottom. Once a week. Hop yall enjoy. Goonie Goo Goo.
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December 2024
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